Home News & Media News Signature Flatbread’s superheroes run 145 miles for Sands

Best friends Dan Ashley and Ben Tye, and Agnieszka Tye, ran 145 miles from Birmingham to Paddington in just five days to raise money for Sands, the stillbirth and neonatal death charity, a cause extremely close to their hearts.

The trio ran five consecutive marathons in five days in loving memory of Ruby Emily Ashley, Dan Ashley’s daughter who was born asleep at 37 weeks gestation. They completed the ultra-marathon on 17th May 2019, on what would have been Ruby’s 10th birthday.

Deli Kitchen, part of Signature Flatbreads, a family run bakery business and employer of both Dan and Ben, are proud sponsors of the trio. The company supported their fundraising efforts which have raised £5,370 and counting for Sands.

The five marathons comprised the length of the Grand Union Canal, starting at the Gas Street Basin in the heart of Birmingham’s canal network, before a route south through Buckinghamshire and finishing up in Little Venice, a stones throw from Paddington Station.

Having to carry 3.5 kilos of supplies on their backs along the gruelling journey, Dan even mustered up the breath for a live radio interview with BBC Radio Northampton on day three. Having smashed the initial fundraising target of £5,000, the fundraising doesn’t stop there, Dan and Ben are hosting a Golf Day on Friday 31st May to reach the £7,000 mark.

Dan Ashley, Head of Commercial Finance at Signature Flatbreads, said: “Raising money to help other people is a major part of what keeps me going. I vowed from the day we lost Ruby that I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to stop this happening to other people or at least reduce the amount of times this happens. I also wanted to help get the people this affects – parents, families, friends – the support and care they need following the unthinkable.”

Charles Eid, Joint CEO of Signature Flatbreads, said: “We are proud to support the superheroes within our business and celebrate their commitment to and passion for giving back to such an important cause. As a family run business we understand the importance of supporting what makes our company what it is, our staff, and we are proud to have such inspiring colleagues amongst us.”

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